The Fire of the Body


The Fire of the Body is one of three facets of the Trinity of the Three Fires.  It is represented by the SUN.  The Body gives the light of strength, much like the Sun gives life giving light for all planets to grow and animals to thrive.  It is inner warmth, a strong fire that burns with physical strength, vitality and dedication.

The Sun represents life and strength, and it is important to remember that this fire requires us to take care of our physical selves.  To feed the Fire of the Body we must literally FEED it.  The body must be nourished with rich nutrients in order to work properly, clean food, REAL food.  If you toss plastic into a camp fire, it releases toxic fumes, a burning acid that fills the air and lingers.  It melts into the wood and hinders the fire from growing.   Toss a clean wooden log on there and it smells nostalgic, pleasant and the fire burns stronger.

Not properly feeding our bodies leads to the Fire of the Body becoming weak and we experience this by feeling sensations of physical fatigue, mental fog, feelings of worthlessness and even depression.

On the same side, over excreting is just as damaging.  Becoming obsessed with ones physical state can lead to anger, aggression, vanity, violent outburst and shallowness.  Those who become consumed with gaining physical strength, but forget to feed the mind and soul, tend to follow a path that leads them to depression and a lack of fulfillment as they never seem to achieve the perfection they have sought out.

Alcohol should be kept in moderation if you choose to drink.  Think of alcohol as rain that is falling onto your campfire.  Covering it will help but the logs and ground are still damp and you will need to bring extra dry wood to make up for it.  Moderation turns a downpour to a gentle drizzle, still allowing you a “pleasure” for the body by not enough to truly hinder it.  The issue with alcohol is that it affects both the fire of the Body,  but also fire of the Mind, so it is best to be mindful of this and to not fall prey to over indulgence.

Over indulgence in sex, physical fighting, thrill-seeking (such as sky diving and other activities) can harm the fire of the Body, but perhaps in not the way you would expect.  When we over indulge in sex (for this example lets pretend it is a person who is NOT in a relationship but single and with many partners) you hinder the Fire of the Body by over stimulating yourself.  This may not seem like a problem for some people, but becoming over stimulated for a long period of time can cause feelings of being jaded, self worthlessness, jealously and not feeling “whole” and lost.  The sensation of longing but not knowing what it is you are longing for.  This will affect your future relationships (when you decide to have them) because you will find yourself comparing past with the present in peoples performance and may seek a “greener pasture” in the individuals around you.

It is true in couples as well, if not MORE so.  A relationship completely built up on the physical will lack the mental and spiritual connection needed to keep a relationship thriving.  The blaze burns out quick and both side are left not truly connecting with the other person because they have never truly feed the fires of their minds.  A LACK of feeding this physical fire can also damage a relationship by causing a lack of intimacy to creep up.

It is one thing to “treat” yourself to guilty pleasures, like perhaps sneaking a BigMac in for dinner or appreciating the body you have worked hard to get; but people tend to fall into bad habits very quickly where it takes a lot of time to get into the habit.  Be mindful of when you weaken the Fire of the Body, take care of it and refuel it when needed.

Our bodies are temples. Our Fire of Body warms that temple.  To be a part of Saint Archangel Michael’s army,  he will need healthy warriors.  Men and women who are at peak health and fitness, who know how to survive and to take care of themselves.  To feed the Fire of the Body is to know how to take care OF YOUR BODY.


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