Let God In


I’ve said it time and time again ( I’m a wee bit repetitive) we need to pray, open ourselves up and allow God in.  And yes, this may seem easy to say but can end up being much harder than you would expect.  It’s easy to go to church, where you are surround by others, many who are simply there by circumstance; than to go out of your way outside of church to speak and practice the life of Jesus.


It’s hard to ask someone who does not feel the faith as you do to pray before a meal, to the kneel with you at a pray somewhere. It’s hard because most people don’t want to stand out, they don’t want to deal with the odd looks, or the prosecution of another, or to be questioned or tested. 


And don’t worry, that’s normal.  It’s normal because our society says it’s ok…(I do not agree with that, but it is what it is.)  So you’re feelings are understandable, but it is in these instances that we show God our devotion.  Don’t be ashamed, NEVER be ashamed of your faith.  If you truly feel the power of God, than stand proud and pray.  Practice your faith outside of the church, pray in public, kneel, don’t worry about what others will say.    You have the freedom practice your faith, speak your faith, and invite others to join you.  There will always be people out there who want to knock you down, there will always be people who will mock you, test you, and denounce you; but these people mean nothing in the grand scheme of life.  They are simply passing gusts of wind that may push you back a step, but you can strive forward with the help of God. 

2 thoughts on “Let God In

  1. I agree that we should not be ashamed to shine our light of salvation in dark places where we may be persecuted. However the people who persecute us are not unimportant. The people who mock us are part of God’s creation as well and He desires them and wants to save them too. I think the best we can do for people that are aggressive towards us because we believe is to pray our hearts out to God that they may be changed. Loved this post!!

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